


Dali 1

July 26th

New Year





“Live magic, be magic - You are the Magic”



Blue Rhythmic Storm

I Organize in order to Catalyze
I Balance Energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I am guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!


This is Your story….


~ And still, as the White Wizard can be a very tricky one, this is how it begins -

the first day of the wavespell you are asked - which way you want to take ..,

many aircrafts in front of you, which flight you would choose; do you know your direction?


As the occult of the first day is kin 247, Blue Cosmic Hand, during the days of Wizard Wavespell we will have strong insight again and again that everything that is happening is our own creation.


The second day of Wavespell, is   

kin 15, Blue Lunar Eagle  ...


Important window of time when our Vision is going to activate our service, the way we are using skills in our life, in order to form space where we feel secure and comfortable.


This story of White Wizard Wavespell  is told by Bolon Ik ,

kin 22, White Solar Wind,the spirit of Female Love Energy…


She sings the song of love to her lover Pacal Votan. She lives in Uranus, but these days she is obviously visiting our Planet Earth, and this will open the gate and topics of partnership -

So, additionaly attune yourself .


These days will be significant for women especially, the way they live their femininity, what “signals” they are sending, how do they express their love to lovers, how do they appreciate their roles.


These will be the days of transformation 

On kin 19, Blue Rhythmic Storm


so transform your time - purify yourself and the Planet Earth as well - we are all connected, creating individual pieces but truly all being one.


Bolon Ik tells us that this wavespell communication is very important, the words will be our tool in how we create and produce magic – 

White Magnetic Wizard,


The beginning of the wavespell, Wizard is singing the song : 


“My mind is the universe,

My body is the world you see,

My speech is the melodious sound of the natural world….”


Still if we don’t know how to behave, what to speak or sing...

the answer is - seek the truth , nothing less than the truth…


It will be reflected anyway,

White Overtone Mirror,


could show you clearly what the story is  about.


We are all opening the doors to magic...and it's easy to open them... who is challenging us?


Answer is, as it's being told, - our own vision 

kin 15, Blue Lunar Eagle,


on this day, it could seem that at once we can see the two worlds, the visible and the invisible one…maybe they have been there all along, but now we are able to notice them...


Every question will find its' answer, the pieces of the puzzle will finally fit in their place...

If you have the feeling that you are lost these days, trust me - this is the right feeling for these days as Wizard mainly represents timelessness and shows us uselessness of mechanical time and hardcore plans.


Actually you are activated to question anything you want - 

kin 16,Yellow Electric Warrior  is waiting for you.


The one who  activates the magic of this wavespell is the Yellow Warrior.

“ Once the human mind is established in the 13:20 timing frequency then the frequency locks open”



Beside feeling of being lost, we have to be aware that we are exactly where we need to be in our life, as this is the part of our experience…


kin 17, Red Self-Existing Earth,


 is giving us grounded feeling and the feeling of stability…


Because we are on Planet Earth, we are the pillars between Heaven (which is Uranus in the teachings of Telektonon) and Earth; we have to feel connected to the earth.


Follow your passion to choose the way where you should go, follow your passion to make connection and cooperate with people

--- Kin 25 , Red Crystal Serpent, 


shine your true light 

--- Kin 20, Yellow Resonant Sun, 


and this will be the way how your Planetary Abundance will be manifested…


Enjoy your planetary existence and all the things you already appreciate in your life and be aware that more is coming, most probably in the form of Love, Unconditional Love...


Kin 23, Blue Planetary Night,


This is also the wavespell of remembrance. Red Dragon-

kin 21, Red Galactic Dragon


- is coming from the Galaxy, the center of Hunab Ku,  to remind us of the nature of real time.


Use this day to gather your experiences and insights about organizing your projects.  


 Then we are ready to liberate ourselves through creativity, to plant the seeds of consciousness~ 

kin 24, Yellow Spectral Seed, 


The Big Key, (the 13th clear sign from the lid of the tomb of Pacal Votan) is given to us  on the day of  

kin 26, the White Cosmic World-Bridger.


Guided by the White Cosmic Dog, kin 130, which is Unconditional Love, we are able to build bridges from wherever we are to wherever we want to be


- the Universe is ours~

You create Your Own Universe

~ Yes, you ARE that Wizard..


